
Higher Order Thinking Skills

Thinking Humans are thinking creatures as compared to other living organisms on this planet. Our thinking help us to stand out among others. Therefore, thinking skills are not only unique at their core, but also vary in levels among human souls. Each one of us is gifted with our own thinking capacity and level.   Why Higher...

Transformation Matters

Building Resilient Organisation Today’s leaders are no strangers to change and disruption. During last few years, there were countless examples of businesses needing to shift and adapt their strategies and value propositions, taking on the headwinds of their current and projected markets, while shaping their organizations to be able to respond and deliver. Frequently referred to...

Life during the pandemic

Life during the pandemic has undoubtedly been challenging for parents, guardians, and children. Like young students of all ages, those in the 7 to 16 age group turn to their devices every day to learn, play games, or interact with their friends. This dramatic increase in screen time adds another layer of worry for...

Building Resilient Societies Through Education

Education has entered into a far more dynamic era just like other industries in the world. Teaching and learning is no more confined to classroom walls, and school boundaries. The whole dynamics of education delivery and pedagogical practices have been transformed over the past two decades, particularly because of the influx of technology, and...

Giving Helping Hand in the Cause of Zaawiya Trust School

FW Philosophy

Investing in our Students for Future Leaders Falcon Wisdom Foundation empowers and supports the Students, Instructors, Schools, Colleges, and Universities in our community by providing opportunities and platforms to learn, grow and achieve life goals.   Changing Lives We established this non-profiting organization to improve the educational standards and methods by promoting our ideology of Islamic Values, Beliefs,...