Through an integrated platform, this program enables university students to learn professional employability skills and the art of living purposefully.
We welcome you into our global learning community and encourage your active participation and involvement in the many opportunities we offer to deepen your professional and personal development while obtaining an academic degree.
Our promise to you as a student is that if you fully immerse yourself in this integral learning system, you will animate all your different bits of intelligence and thus your highest potential – enabling you to make the greatest possible positive impact. We have designed our wisdom skilled program so that you will become professionally competent, self-aware, and socially active. We want to activate your inner genius and we want you to be proactive in your world. Nothing less will enable you to navigate and thrive in the future that is coming.

The FWF proposed Student Learning Outcomes:
- Advanced habits of academic inquiry and creativity;
- Ability to engage in an inquiry regarding major faith traditions, and familiarity with the basic theological understandings;
- Understanding of and practice in values and skills necessary for learning, living, and working in the community;
- Practical wisdom in addressing human problems and needs, drawing upon advanced knowledge, values, and skills in students’ chosen professions or majors;
Why joining the Wisdom Skilled program is Important at the university?
The FWF seeks to educate and graduate transformative leaders, leaders who can “connect learning and scholarship to leadership and service.” Grounded in solid moral tradition and a depth of knowledge, transformational leaders work with persons, groups, and organizations to identify important human problems that call for change and to bring about solutions to these problems that enable greater human potential. Transformational leaders operate in a variety of situations: the political arena, commercial enterprises, educational settings, civic organizations, etc. Wherever their engagement, transformational leaders utilize problem-oriented practical wisdom to create a positive impact and in the advancement of the common good.
Theme of Program
In addressing real human problems, there is a set of habits or virtues that combine:
- Excelling in Integrated: excellence in practical reasoning, i.e., framing the problems, creating solutions, implementing solutions, and reflecting on the changes;
- Educating for Practical Wisdom: advanced knowledge and skills, both theoretical and practical, searching for truth grounded in both faith and reason;
- Partnering for the Common Good: a commitment to a moral tradition, i.e., a concept of the good and the practices needed to realize the good; and
- Building Community Across Diversity: the skills of constructive conversation, i.e., developing a consensus on problems and solutions, so that in implementing solutions to these problems there is a greater realization of peace, justice, and the common good.

- Increase fund of knowledge
- Build confidence as a learner
- Deepen skills
- No change in the form of mind
- Transformation of a form of mind – habits of mind and mind-sets
- How we know the world
- Who we are
The Learning Continuum
Educating for Practical Wisdom in Campus Life
At FWF, we strive to create, sustain, and develop a community of learning that cultivates practical wisdom in our students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Below describes some of the opportunities that students have for growing in practical wisdom.
Forms of Mind, Learning, and the Developmental Journey: Growing in practical wisdom is a developmental journey described by integrating elements from two interrelated perspectives.
The first perspective: the transformations of “how a student knows” or “the student’s habits of inquiry and reflection,” what they call reflective judgment that is used in creating solutions to ill-formed problems.
The second perspective: the development and transformation of young adults in three areas: cognitive (How do I know?), the intrapersonal (Who Am I?), and interpersonal/societal (How do I form relationships near and far?).
Learning Objectives for Practical Wisdom (Six key elements)
Framing the Problem: Sensing the multiple components of the problem, organizing information to understand the structure of the problem, and involving key stakeholders.
Solving the Problem: Imagining a shared desired future, construction options to realize the desired future, and deliberating to choose an option.
Implementing the Solution: Rationalizing resources to implement the solution and adapt to the unexpected.
Reflecting on Change and Process: Learning through evaluation of change and the process used.
Engaging in Constructive Teamwork: Working collaboratively in implementing an inquiry that requires executing the phases of practical wisdom.
Growing in the Fund of Theoretical and Practical Knowledge: Having a knowledge base to address real human problems.
Committing to a Moral Tradition: Standing within a moral tradition (a concept of human flourishing that includes the dignity of a human person and the common good).

The framework of the University of Wisdom
All of our courses fall within this framework to give you the skills you need to effectively engage in a rapidly changing world.
- Meeting Global Challenges: The ability to understand global challenges, and to align your daily life with your authentic self and the needs of the planet through embodiment, mindfulness, and meditation.
- Teamwork and Collaboration: The ability to respect diversity and act with others in such a way that each person’s passion and ability are maximized for the good of the whole.
- Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship: The ability to identify, conceptualize, and implement an innovation in society in such a way that all stakeholders benefit.
- Emotional Intelligence: The ability to be aware of and manage your own emotions and creatively engage with the emotions of others.
- Critical Thinking & Problem-solving: The ability to critically assess and value information in its own right and identify the parts in relation to the whole to enable comprehensive and life-affirming solutions.
- Leadership: The ability to steward yourself and inspire others into meaningful action in the world in such a way that each person activates their highest potential to work together on common challenges.
- Building a Global Community: The ability to build, nurture and activate intercultural relationships while driving action in the service of global wellbeing.
Benefits to your University
By implementing the FWF University of Wisdom program effectively, Universities will have changed attitudes and practices amongst staff, teachers, parents, and see that translated into better results and outcomes for their students.
Benefits to University:
- Improved public image
- Professional environment
- Organized training set up
- Bright career of graduating students
- Better contribution towards society
Benefits to Teachers:
- Professional development
- Personality grooming
- Congenial learning environment
- More receptive students
Benefits to Students:
- Clear Career Objectives and Realization of passion
- Better Self-Realization
- Higher degree of professional competency
- Learning of smart study skills
- Healthy lifestyle development
- Development of collaborative skills
- Refined and groomed personality
- Significant employability chances
- Self-paced learning skills development
- Development of problem solving skills
- Improved communication skills
- Proper guideline w.r.t job hunting and interview preparation
FWF offers practical approaches to the question of how do people develop employability skills? We provide state of the art coaching and impactful sessions in this regard.
Without employability skills:
- It will be more challenging for the economy of the country to achieve its productivity goals.
- Individuals will find it harder to get and progress in rewarding work.
- Several important strands in employment and skills policy may be unachievable.
For Teachers
- Impactful Teaching Strategies
- Absolutely Organized
- Psychology of Students
Every session 1.5hrs
For Students:
- Discover your True Self
- Career Counselling with reference to Scope of Subject
- Job Hunting Strategies
- Interview Attire
- Developing the Winning Resume
- Getting your dream job and the art of interviewing
- Personality development/Communication Skills
- Soft Skills required to excel in Career
- Secrets of Successful Communication
- Building High Performance Habits
- How to Beat Exam Stress
- Secrets of Educational Success
- Coping with Stress and Emotional Disturbances
- Learning Strategies and Learning Styles
- The 80/20 Principle
Every session may be up to 1.5hrs or as per requirement and suitability
- Strategy: All students of the university will attend at least three to four lectures live and 3-4 lectures via webinar / online resources, preferably 2 sessions in 1st semester and 2 sessions in the last semester.
- University may charge Career Development Charges from every student at the time of admission 1000 PKR and per semester 500 PKR.
- University students will also be given a link to our App where they may listen to updated material on Careers, Scope of their subject, educational success, job hunting strategies and interview preparation, and guidelines related to different career-related issues.
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