This is what the Muslims think and feel about education
Research Focus
We examine the risk of economic, social and political change and provide practical solutions in the interest of society and future generations.
Teachers and Parents as role model is the central figure in any educational system and regarded as an effective agent of social change. We believe that telling our own story is the only way to counter the current education related narrative that has been forced upon our society.
We believe that, “Ilm” denotes a combination of education, training, knowledge and wisdom and this includes religious, spiritual and material knowledge. All our children should have the best teachers as role models and best available knowledge resources to acquire all domains of “Ilm”. (below image should be side-line of above paragraph)
We are presenting teaching as a truly valued profession and recognized that boosting the status of teachers is essential to develop better educational systems. We are planning to achieve this through building teacher’s capability, advocacy campaigns to promote excellence in the teaching practices and by providing innovative teaching solutions in support of our objectives.
Our objective is to create a platform for embedding high morals in individuals and societies through imparting awareness, knowledge and intellect by bringing together a variety of scholars, educationist and business intellectuals.

Research Categories
Our research Categories divided into 2 main types as follows
Academic like Journals, MS thesis, PHD Thesis
FWF Research is dedicated to the publication of original content, on relevant Islamic topics, that is academic, authentic, and accessible.
Non Academic
Non Academic like books review, articles, etc.
Research Approach
In order to accept the publication, we evaluate a number of common criteria themes and assess researcher on the following dimensions:
- Alignment with our vision
- Research topic and the methodology
- Usefulness of the Knowledge in terms of societal issues
If we find your research to be in line with the vision and goals of the Foundation, we will provide a platform for your research to reach the society.

Survey Program
What the nation’s young people think, and feel is the biggest concern of the time. We are in the process to survey over 5,000 young people in 20 cities around the country. This is the first time that there has been a national comparative study of the attitudes of young people on this scale.